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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

How to Impress a Girl: Follow these sure shot ways to get success

 The best way to impress a girl is to pay her a sincere compliment. Everyone wants to impress beautiful girls. However, the job is not so easy. One cannot know how a girl feels. However, one can impress her by making him seem more desirable to her. And by this, he may make her fall in love with him.

The best suggestion to impress a girl is to become the guy who will take care of her and will consider all her needs and desires. That’s all you really need to impress her.

Although some guys feel so, the muscles or physical features can’t do it. Only care, kindness, compassion and responsibility can.

Many people think that giving gifts is the best way to impress a girl. But that is not the whole story. There are other better ways to win a girl’s heart and make her fall in love. It’s not just about giving chocolates and roses to woo a girl – it’s all about keeping her truly happy and complete.

It is said, women remain as mysterious as the outer realms of the Solar System. Yet, these tips may help you impress a girl:

1. Respect her

Being respectful is one of the top attributes girls look for a guy. If there is love, there ought to be respect. So, as much as possible, respect her feelings, decisions, her life, and in return, she will respect you even more.

2. Do something she likes

You probably hate going on a shopping with your girlfriend, listening to her favorite music, or watching movies she likes, but try to put up with at least for few hours. You should learn to compromise to build up a fulfilling relationship. Let her choose the movie you’re going to watch together, music she likes, or accompany her when she go on a shopping. At times just let her play the main role and pretend to like it, or at least don’t hate it, maybe you will find out something new and nice.

3. Make her laugh

The old saying is true; girls do love guys with a sense of humor. So try making her laugh often even if you are not that good in this. Tease her nicely, be playful, tell her jokes, make use of your body language, just be yourself, and don’t pressure yourself.

4. Pay her a sincere compliment

A nice and genuine compliment is a big way to impress a girl. Think of what you like the best about her. It could be her smile, her laugh or her intelligence. However, there is a limitation in complimenting. You should not compliment her on any physical traits except her eyes or her smile. Keep it short and sweets. Pay attention to how you word it. Instead of saying “That’s a pretty dress” or “I like your outfit,” say “You look really great in that dress. Smile! Keep eye contact while you say it, too.

5.Make her feel special

Find little ways to let the girl know that you think she’s an extraordinary person. You will see that this way will definitely earn her notice. Don’t ignore her or play hard to get. If she texts you, text back. If she wants to talk, try to make the time even if it’s slightly inconvenient. Don’t focus the discussion on you when you are talking to a girl. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about her interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. Start an inside joke with her! By doing this the two of you will share a secret connection that is shared between only the two of you. This will make her feel special, included and closer to you. It will also give you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter.

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