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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Troubled by hanging smartphone, follow these 4 tips

 Troubled by smartphone hanging, follow these 4 tips – Hello friends, Ankit Jain warmly welcomes you again to this technology blogging website.  Friends, today we have again brought a new article for you.  Today we are going to talk through this article that if you are also troubled by the hanging of your smartphone, then we will tell you five such tremendous ways through this speculation, by following which you can avoid the problem of hanging your smartphone.  Huh.

 By the way, in today's time, more than one powerful processor smartphone has been launched in the market.  And due to having more RAM and storage in these smartphones, these smartphones hang very less.  But sometimes in the smartphone for some other reason or those who have old smartphones.  There is a problem of hanging in his smartphone.

 If you also have an old smartphone.  Or if any of your smartphone hangs again and again, then you do not need to worry because through this article we are going to tell you 4 such great tips, which you can follow and save your smartphone from the problem of hanging.  Huh.  If you follow these tips given by us, then your smartphone will start running like butter.

Tips – 1

 First of all, delete all the unnecessary things you have in your smartphone's storage.  And after that you have to go to the Settings option, click on the Storage option and you have to click on Cache Data.  If you follow these tips in your smartphone, then you will see that the speed of your smartphone will have increased a bit now.

 Tips – 2

 In today's time, everyone installs unnecessary applications in their smartphone.  Install only those applications on your smartphone that you need.  And you have to transfer all the applications of your smartphone to the external memory card of your smartphone.  And you have to keep the memory card of your smart phone empty at all times.  If you do this then your smartphone will not hang.

 Tips – 3

 Save as many Video Photos MP3 Songs as you can on your smartphone.  Transfer all these complete data to the external drive of your smartphone.  You have to try your best to keep the internet drive of your smartphone free at all times.

 Tips – 4

 Whatever methods we have told you once, even after following all these methods, your phone hangs again and again, so now you have to factory reset your smartphone.  If you factory reset your smartphone, then all the data on your smartphone will be deleted.  Here you have to note one thing that before doing the factory reset of your smartphone, you must check the necessary data of your smartphone on another drive.


 Friends, we told you through this speculation that if you are also troubled by the frequent hanging of your smartphone.  So by following the tips mentioned by us, you can save your smartphone from hanging again and again.  The way we have told you through this article, if you follow these methods, then you can be sure that your smartphone will no longer hang.

 Friends, I hope you must have liked this article.  If you liked this article, then you must give your opinion by commenting to us and also you must share this article on your friends WhatsApp group Instagram Facebook group Thank you.

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How to make PVC Aadhar Card for yourself and your family from Smartphone

 How to make PVC Aadhar card of yourself and your family from smartphone – Hello friends, I am Ankit Jain, I warmly welcome you to my technology blogging website.  Friends, today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic for you.  Today we will talk through this article that how you can make Aadhar card on behalf of yourself and your family from smartphone.

 For the information of all of you, let us tell you that last year the PVC Aadhar card was invalidated.  But now again, in view of the convenience of the people, the Government of India has again issued the PVC Aadhar card for the convenience of the people.  Now you can print out the PVC Aadhar card through the official website of Aadhar card, UIDAI.

 Printing out PVC Aadhar card is now very easy.  Print out of PVC Aadhar Card, not only your own, but if you want, you can get the print out of your entire family from the official website of Aadhar card.  Let us give you detailed information about this whole process.

What is the specialty of PVC  Aadhar card

 If you are thinking of getting a PVC Aadhar card, then first of all you need to know why PVC card is necessary for us.  And what is the specialty of PVC Aadhar card.  PVC Aadhar card is like a kind of ATM card.  Which in a way is equipped with complete security features.  And also the PVC Aadhar card does not get spoiled even if it falls in the water.  Nor is there a fear of breaking the PVC card.

 Fee for PVC Aadhar Card

 If you are thinking of getting PVC Aadhar card for you and your family.  So for your information, let us tell you that the charge for printing PVC Aadhar card and getting it delivered to your home is ₹ 50 per Aadhar card.  You can order PVC Aadhar card for all the people in your family by paying a fee per member.

પીવીસી આધાર કાર્ડ ઓનલાઈન કેવી રીતે ઓર્ડર કરવું / How to Order PVC Aadhaar Card Online 

PVC Aadhar Card Order Online કરવાનાં પગલાં નીચે મુજબ છે.

સ્ટેપ -1: સૌથી પહેલા તમારે Uidai ની વેબસાઇટ પર જવું પડશે અને ત્યાં તમારે My Aadhaar ઓપ્શનમાં Order PVC Aadhar Card પર ક્લિક કરવાનું રહેશે.

સ્ટેપ -2: તમારો 12-અંકનો આધાર નંબર (UID) અથવા 16-અંકનો વર્ચ્યુઅલ ઓળખ નંબર (VID) અથવા 28-અંકનો નોંધણી ID દાખલ કરો.

સ્ટેપ -3: સુરક્ષા કોડ દાખલ કરો અને "Request OTP" બટન પર ક્લિક કરો.

સ્ટેપ -4: રજિસ્ટર્ડ મોબાઇલ નંબર પર પ્રાપ્ત OTP/TOTP દાખલ કરો.

સ્ટેપ -5: જો તમારી પાસે રજિસ્ટર્ડ મોબાઇલ નંબર નથી, તો કૃપા કરીને બોક્સને ચેક કરો.

સ્ટેપ -6: મહેરબાની કરીને બિન-નોંધાયેલ/વૈકલ્પિક મોબાઇલ નંબર દાખલ કરો અને "Send OTP" પર ક્લિક કરો

સ્ટેપ -7: "Term & Condition" સામે ચેક બોક્સ પર ક્લિક કરો. (નોંધ: વિગતો જોવા માટે હાયપર લિંક પર ક્લિક કરો).

સ્ટેપ -8: OTP વેરિફિકેશન પૂર્ણ કરવા માટે "Submit" બટન પર ક્લિક કરો.

સ્ટેપ -9: જો તમે આધાર રજિસ્ટર્ડ મોબાઇલથી લોગ ઇન કર્યું હોય તો તમે જોશો કે આધારનું પૂર્વાવલોકન / જો તમે નોન-રજિસ્ટર્ડ / વૈકલ્પિક મોબાઇલથી કરો તો પૂર્વાવલોકન દેખાશે નહીં.

સ્ટેપ -10: "Pay Now" પર ક્લિક કરો. તમારે ક્રેડિટ/ડેબિટ કાર્ડ, નેટ બેન્કિંગ અને UPI તરીકે ચુકવણી વિકલ્પો સાથે ચુકવણી પૂર્ણ કરવી પડશે.

સ્ટેપ -11: સફળ ચુકવણી પછી, રસીદ ડિજિટલ હસ્તાક્ષર પ્રાપ્ત કરશે જે એસએમએસ દ્વારા URN નંબર સાથે પીડીએફ ફોર્મેટમાં ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકાય છે.

સ્ટેપ -12: તમે PVC Aadhar Card Status પર જઈને SRN Status Track કરી શકો છો.

 How to make PVC Aadhar Card

 Let us now tell you how you can make PVC Aadhar card for yourself and your family.

 First of all, you have to open the official website of Aadhar card in your smartphone.

 After this you have to enter the 12 digit number of your Aadhar card in it.  And below that you will be asked to enter the captcha code, which you have to see and fill the captcha code.

 Now you have to click on the Continue button.  After this an OTP will come on your registered mobile number.  Now you have to come to your registered mobile number and verify someone. And click on continue button.

 After this, the complete details of your Aadhar card will be open in front of you.  After checking all the details, now you will see a payment option here.  You have to pay ₹ 50.  And after that your PVC Aadhar card will arrive at your home within 10 days.

 We have told you the process of getting a PVC Aadhar card on which.  By following this process, you can order PVC Aadhar card of all the members in your family.


 Friends, through this article, we told you how you can make PVC Aadhar card of yourself and your family from smartphone.  We have given you step2step complete information about this in detail.  If you want to make PVC Aadhar card of yourself and your family, then you can get your PVC Aadhar card made by following the process given by us.

 Friends, I hope you must have liked this article.  If you liked any article, then you must give your opinion by commenting to us and also you must share this article with your friends on WhatsApp Instagram Twitter Facebook Thank you.

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How to hide apps in android phone?

 How to hide apps in android phone?  Many times you keep using an application about which you do not want to share with any other people, then it has to be hidden.  There are many such apps on the internet nowadays, with the help of which you can hide the installed applications on your phone.  By hiding an application, you have the advantage that no one can see it, but you can open and use that app whenever you want.

હવે ગુજરાતના આ ચાર ગામડાઓમાં દારુબંધી નહીં હોય, કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશોમાં ભળી જશે.

ડ્રાય ગુજરાતના ચાર ગામડા એવા છે જેઓ હવે દારુબંધી માંથી મુક્તિ મેળવશે કારણ કે તેમનો સમાવેશ પડોશના કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશમાં કરવામાં આવશે.

ગાંધીનગર: એ તો સર્વવિદિત છે કે ડ્રાય ગુજરાતના છાંટોપાણીના શોખીન લોકો રાજ્યને અડીને આવેલા કેન્દ્રશાસિત પ્રદેશો (UT)માં નિયમિતપણે વારંવાર પોતાનો શોખ પૂરો કરવા માટે જાય છે. પછી તે દીવ હોય કે દમણ કે પછી દાદરા અને નગર હવેલી જોકે કે આ શોખીન ગુજરાતીઓ માટે હજુ કેટલાક વિસ્તાર વધી શકે છે. વિગતે ચર્ચા કરીએ તો ગુજરાતના દક્ષિણ છેડે દાદરા અને નગર હવેલીના કેન્દ્રશાસિત પ્રદેશને અડીને આવેલા ચાર ગામડાઓ અને સૌરાષ્ટ્રના દરિયાકાંઠે દીવના કેન્દ્રશાસિત પ્રદેશની નજીકન આવેલ એક ગામડાનો કેટલોક વિસ્તાર કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશમાં સમાવવામાં આવશે. જેને પગલે કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશોનો પ્રવાસ વધુ મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ બનશે

આ નિર્ણયની એક મોટી અસર એ થશે કે અત્યાર સુધી દારુબંધી ધરાવતા ગુજરાતનો ભાગ રહેલા આ વિસ્તારોમાં દારૂ બિન્દાસ્તપણે ઉપલબ્ધ થશે. આ પગલાથી દારૂ અને વીકેન્ડ ટુરીઝમને પ્રોત્સાહન મળવાની અપેક્ષા છે, જોકે પોતાની સરહદમાં દારુબંધીના પોતાના નિર્ણયને ચાલુ રાખવા ગુજરાત દ્રઢતા સાથે વળગીને તેનું પાલન કરશે.

દક્ષિણ ગુજરાતના વલસાડ જિલ્લાના કપરાડા તાલુકાના ચાર ગામો જે ટૂંક સમયમાં પડોશી કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશનો ભાગ બનવાની સંભાવના છે તેમાં મેઘવાલ, નગર, રાયમલ અને મધુબન છે. આ ઉપરાંત સૌરાષ્ટ્રના દરિયાકાંઠે આવેલ ગોખલા ગામનો એક વિસ્તાર દીવના કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશને સોંપવામાં આવશે. કેન્દ્રીય ગૃહ મંત્રાલયે વલસાડના ચાર ગામોને દાદરા અને નગર હવેલીમાં અને ગુજરાતના ઘોઘાલા ગામનો એક વિસ્તાર દીવના યુટીમાં સામેલ કરવાનો નિર્ણય લીધો છે. ટોચના સૂત્રોએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, ગોવામાં 28 જાન્યુઆરીએ યોજાનારી પશ્ચિમી પરિષદની સ્થાયી સમિતિની બેઠકમાં નિર્ણયને ઔપચારિક બહાલી આપવામાં આવે તેવી શક્યતા છે.

ટોચના અધિકારીઓએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, “મેઘવાલ ગામ સંપૂર્ણપણે કેન્દ્રશાસિત પ્રદેશથી ઘેરાયેલું છે જ્યારે અન્ય ત્રણ ગામો મધુબન ડેમ જળાશય અને દાદરા અને નગર હવેલી વિસ્તારની વચ્ચે આવે છે. ચોમાસામાં આ ગામોનો મોટાભાગનો વિસ્તારો પાણીમાં ડૂબી જાય છે અને તેમનો એકમાત્ર પ્રવેશ કેન્દ્ર શાસિત પ્રદેશમાંથી જ રહે છે. ગુજરાતના આ ચાર ગામોને કેન્દ્રશાસિત પ્રદેશમાં ભેળવી દેવાની માંગણી અને સૂચન લાંબા સમયથી પડતર હતું. જે ગામડાઓમાં પ્રવાસન પ્રવૃત્તિઓ અને રોજગારને વેગ આપશે."

 The biggest thing is that when you download an app hide application to hide any application on your mobile and install it in your mobile phone, it is in such a way that no other person will be able to understand by seeing it.  That this is an application hiding app.

 How to hide apps in android phone?

 The biggest reason to hide an application is that you do not want to share the application you are using with anyone else.  Often users living in the family adopt this method so that when their family members ask for their mobile phone, they do not see any application in it which they do not like at all or refuse to use you.  Apart from this, some people also hide the app to hide from their girlfriends.

 App Hide App

 With the help of the application we are going to tell you below, you can easily hide any app installed on your mobile phone.  Apart from this, you can use that hide application whenever you want.  But if someone else opens your mobile and sees it, then he will not see that application.

 Because this application gets hidden from the main menu.  The name of the application we are going to talk about is App Hider.  You can directly download it from play store by clicking on this link.

 First of all download App Hider application from Google Play Store.

 After this, on the home page of the app, you will see the option of Icon Disguise, click on it.  Then you will get the option to create a 6 digit password.  Complete this step.

 The advantage of setting an icon is that seeing this app, no one will know that you are using App Hider.  A calculator icon will appear in it.  If you want, you can choose different types of calculator icons by going to the app, clicking on the Settings icon option and going to the Choose Icon option.

 After this process, remember the password you have set.  Because whenever you open this app, you will need a password.  But keep in mind that now your application will be shown as calculator.

 Enter the 6 digit password you set after opening the calculator.

 Now touch on “Add App” to select the app you want to hide and select those apps.  You can hide any app by clicking on the Add App button.


 Apart from this application, many other applications are also available on Google Play Store, with the help of which you can hide any app present in your mobile phone.  For this you can search App Hide on Google Play Store.  After this you will find many different types of apps.

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What is Photo Lab Application? How to do photo editing with photo lab application?

 What is Photo Lab Application?  How to do photo editing with photo lab application?  Friends, today in this article we are going to give you information on a very interesting topic.  Today we will tell you what is Photo Lab Application?  And how to do photo editing with photo lab application?  If you want to get this fun information and want to edit a good photo, then definitely read the article till the end, we will tell you some easy steps.  By following these steps, you can do photo editing from the Photo Lab application.

 How to do photo editing with photo lab application?

 Friends, as you all know, the craze of photo editing is very high in the present time.  If you are a social media user then you would know that today everyone uploads a well edited photo on social media so that it gets a lot of likes and comments.  In the present time, everyone wants to be the king of social media, so people edit and upload a lot of photos.

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 How to create logo from mobile phone?

 If you upload a normal photo on Facebook, then more people will not like comment on your photo.  But if you upload a well edited photo then lots of people will like and comment on your photo.  If you want to become popular in less time and want to get a lot of likes then you must have knowledge about photo editing.

 What is Photo Lab Application?

 If you are a new photo editor or you want to edit a photo for yourself then you must be looking for a good photo editing application.  If you look on the Google Play Store, you will find more than a thousand applications there that claim that you can do photo editing with those applications, but friend, most of these applications are fake and the applications which do good photo editing.  To use them, you have to take a subscription for which you have to pay.

એક હજાર રૂપિયાની ચા:કોલકાતામાં લોકો 1 કપ ચા માટે 1000 રૂપિયા ચૂકવે છે, જાણો એવું તો શું ખાસ છે 

 Some applications that edit photos for free spoil the quality of your photos.  Due to which editing photos is not fun.  If you want to know about a good photo editing application, then today your problem will end here.  Today we will tell you about one such photo editing application which is the best photo editing application on Google play store.

 If you are interested in photo editing then we are sure that you must have heard about Photo Lab application.  Photo Lab Application is the most popular photo editing application in Google Play Store.  This is an absolutely free photo editing application.  Although its premium version is also available.  If you take the premium version then you get some extra features and effects but you can also edit a good quality photo using the free version.

CNG Kit: કારમાં CNG કિટ લગાવતી વખતે રહો સાવધાન, આ 4 જરૂરી વાતો રાખજો ધ્યાનમાં નહીંતર... વધુ માહિતી માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો.

 In Photo Lab application, you get a lot of features and effects using which you can give a new look to your photos.  The biggest feature of photo lab application is that using this application you can also convert your photo into GIF animation video.  In Photo Lab application, you get a lot of template designs using which you can make your photo more attractive.

 The Photo Lab application is such a popular application that more than 60 million people have downloaded it so far.  Whenever it comes to a professional photo editing application, the name Photo Lab application comes first.  All the professional photo editors use the photo lab application to edit photos.

 Download Photo Lab Application

 Friends, if you want to download photo lab application then follow the steps given below.  You can download the Photo Lab application by following the steps given below.

 First of all, you have to open Google Play Store on your phone.  In Google Play Store, you have to click on the search button.

 Now you have to write photo lab application and search.

 You will see the official application of Photo Lab application on the screen.  You have to click on this application.

 Now you can see the download button on the screen.  You can download the application by clicking on the download button.

 Now the application will be downloaded in your phone.  You can install this application by clicking on the install button.

 Now you can use this application.

 How to use Photo Lab Application?

 The Photo Lab application is easy to download but difficult to use.  If you are using Photo Lab application for the first time then you will face a little problem.  But by following the steps given below, you can easily edit photos.  If you want to know how to use Photo Lab Application?  So follow the steps given below.

 First of all you have to download and install Photo Lab application from Google Play Store.

 Now you have to open it.

 When you open this application it will ask you for some permissions.  By clicking on the permission button, you allow the permission.

 Now you will be entered in the home page of Photo Lab Application.  You will see the plus button on the screen.  You have to click on the plus button.

 Now you can see your phone gallery on the screen.  Here you will see many photos.  Select your favorite photo which you want to edit.

 The photo you have selected will be printed on the screen.  You will see many options under the photo.  Here you will see many options like crop beauty, effect, filter, animation color.  Select the option which you want to select from these options.

 Now you can edit the photo and use it

 After editing the photo, if you want to save it, then you can save the photo by clicking on the save button above.  Now you can share it with your friends.


 Friends, today on this article we told you what is photo lab application?  How to Download Photo Lab Application?  How to use Photo Lab Application?  Hope you liked this information.  If you want to get more similar information read the article daily.  If you like this information share it with your friends.  Thank you very much for reading the article till the end

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What is Online Trading Application?

 What is Online Trading Application?  - India's Top Best Online Trending Application- Friends, today in this article we are going to give you information on a very important topic.  Today we will tell you about India's top online trending application, using which you can invest your money in share market.  If you also want to invest money in share market then definitely read this article till the end.  All the online trending applications that we tell you about are popular and reliable.

 Friends, as you all know, many people in our country invest money in the stock market.  Whenever it comes to earning more money in less time, people use the stock market only.  Although it is also absolutely true that a few years ago, the process of investing money in the stock market was completely different.

 What is Flipkart Super Coin

 This process was very long.  In earlier times, to invest money in the stock market, you had to open a demat account in the bank.  After this you had to go to the nearest stock market of the area and get the updates there.  A lot of your time and effort was wasted in this.  But now investing money in share market has become very easy.

 At present, there are many online platforms available using which you can invest money in the stock market.  This is an online platform that's why you don't need to go to the bank or need to go to any stock market house.  You can manage the entire work of share market from your home.  This type of online platform is called online trending.

What is Online Trading Application?

 Before we tell you about the best online trading application, you should know what are online trending applications.  If you do not know about the online trending application, then for your information, let me tell you that this is the online application using which you can invest money in the stock market.

લોકો કરી રહ્યા છે વીંછીનું વ્યસન:એક લિટર ઝેરની કિંમત 80 કરોડ; મોટાપાયે ઉછેર કરીને દેશો બની રહ્યા છે ધનિક

 There are many applications available on the internet today using which you can invest money in share market.  On these applications you get complete information related to Nifty and Sesex.  At the same time, you also get a good platform to buy shares and sell shares.  You can see on the home screen which company's stock is moving up and which company's stock has gone down?  If you want to sell a share, then in the same application you also get the option to sell the share and if you want to buy the share then you also get the option to buy the share.

 Thus whatever income you earn from online trending application comes in your wallet which you can transfer to your bank account.  In this you do not need to open any demat account.  You can invest money in share market by transferring money directly to trending application wallet.

 Most popular online training application

 Below we are telling you about some popular online trending applications.  If you want to invest money in share market then you can use any of the below given application.  All these applications are reliable.

 5Paisa Application

 If you want to do online trending in very low commission then you can use 5paisa application.  The commission rate is very high in all the applications available on Google Play Store.  But in 5paisa application you can buy and sell shares by paying only 10 rupees commission.

 If you want to use 5paisa application then you must have high speed internet because 5paisa application requires a lot of internet to operate. If you have good internet connectivity in your area then feel free to online using 5paisa application  can trade.

 Angel broking mobile application 

 There are many people who have little faith in a new platform.  Angel Broking mobile application is a good option for such people.  Friends, for your information, let me tell you that this application is keeping its hold on the online trading field for the last 30 years.  For this reason people trust more on this application.  There are crores of users in this application who are trending online every day.

 Upstock Application

 The most popular name in the world of share market is the upstock application.  This is a very reliable and popular application.  This application is so popular that Ratan Tata himself is trending online in this application.  You can imagine how reliable this application is.  In this application you get the feature of notification.  You will get notification as soon as a stock goes up or falls down.


 Friends, today in this article we have given you information about some popular online trending applications.  By the way, there are many online trending applications on Google Play Store.  But if it is about the most trusted and popular application, then we cannot compromise with you.  I hope you liked this information.  If you like the information share it with your friends.  Thank you so much for reading the article till the end

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How to Download E-Pan Card Online?

 How to Download E-Pan Card Online?  Today in this article we are going to give you information on a very important topic.  Today in this article we are going to tell you, what is E pan card?  How to download e pan card?  If you also want to know about e-pain card and want to download e-pan card, then read this article till the end.  Today in this article we will tell you some easy steps by following which you can download your E-pain card.

 You all must have heard about PAN card.  And many of you will have PAN card available.  Awareness and request are made by the government to make PAN card day by day.  Although it is also absolutely true that till a few years ago, the need of PAN card was not so much.  But in view of the tax evasion and banking frauds that took place in the last few years, now PAN card has become an essential document.

 In the present time, if you want to do any work related to the bank whether it is to withdraw more money or deposit money or open a new account or take insurance.  You must have a PAN card for all work.  Without PAN card you cannot avail banking services.  PAN card is required in places other than the banking sector also.  PAN card is our identity proof in a way which we can use for different purposes.

 What is E-Pan Card?

 Even though everyone knows about PAN card, very few people know about e-pan card.  E-pan card is very useful for us.  In a way, you can understand that if you have an E-pain card, then you will not need a PAN card.

 If you do not know about E-pain card, then for your information, let us tell you that E-pain card is also a digital form of PAN card.  It remains with us in soft copy.  The E-PAN card also has the same authority as the original PAN card.

 When we get PAN card made from any internet cafe or PAN card website, it takes about 1 month to reach our home.  Many times it happens that after two or three days, we get the very necessary work of PAN card but we do not have PAN card.  In this situation you can download your e-pan card from internet.  Your e-PAN card gets uploaded on the website within 24 hours of applying for PAN card.  This e-PAN card looks exactly like the original PAN card and performs the same functions as the e-PAN card.

 You can use the E-pain card to open a bank account or at any other place where it is needed.  Till the time your original PAN card is not coming to your home by the postal department, you continued to use this e-pan card.

 How to Download E-Pain Card?

 If you have applied for your PAN card online but your PAN card has not come to your home yet, then you do not need to take tension.  You can download your e-PAN card by following the simple steps mentioned below.

 To download your e-pan card, you have to open the official website of PAN card.

 By clicking on the link;jsessionid=2DC6F6BA22404965F6597028B8DC7A52 you will be taken to the direct PAN card official website.

 Now an official interface will open in front of you.  You will see many options on the screen.

 When you will see in the home page you will see an option named Download E-pain Card.  You have to click on this option.

 Now a new form will open in front of you.  In this form you will be asked some of your personal details.  Enter whatever information you are asked.

 After that you have to click on Next button.  You will see a box on the screen.  In this box you have to enter your Aadhar number.

 Now an OTP will come on the mobile number linked to your Aadhar card.  With the help of that OTP you have to verify your Aadhar card.

 Now a box will open in front of you again.  In this box you have to enter your aadhar card mobile number captcha code, gmail id.

 Now you will be asked to make payment.  In order to download the e-pan card, you have to submit as some fee.

અગત્યની લીંક

આધારકાર્ડ પાનકાર્ડ સાથે લિંક છે કે કેમ ચેક કરો અહીંથી

પાન કાર્ડ ઓનલાઇન મેળવવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

E-Pan Card Download કરવા માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો.

 You have to select the method of payment.  You can complete the payment through net banking online banking.

 After completing the payment, you will see one of your PAN card format on your computer screen.  You can download your e-PAN card by clicking on the download button.

 Now take a print out of it, keep it with you and use it when needed.

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How to Hide Photos in Android Phone?

 How to Hide Photos in Android Phone?  - How are you all friends?  I hope you all are healthy.  Today in this article we are going to give you information on a very important and useful topic.  Today in this article we are going to tell you how to hide photos in mobile phone?  Friends, if you want to know how to hide photos in Android phone?  So read this article completely till the end.  In this article, we will tell you some easy steps.  You can hide photos in your Android phone by following the easy steps given by us.

 If you are an Android smartphone user, then obviously you will have a lot of photos in your phone.  There are some photos in our phone that we can show anyone.  Whereas some photos are such that we are very private and we cannot show them to anyone.

 Many times it happens that we keep a photo of our personal friend in our phone.  Many people ask us for our phone, we hesitate to give them our phone.  Because there is fear in our mind, if someone sees these photos, then a new ruckus can arise.  The only way to avoid all these problems is to hide photos in your Android phone.

 Now you will say that there are thousands of applications available on the internet to hide photos in Android phone.  You can hide photos by downloading any application.  I agree with you but friends if you are downloading any third party application from internet then it is a big mess with the security of your phone.  There is always a risk of leaking your phone data from third party applications.

 If you want to hide photos of your Android mobile without downloading any third party application, then you have come to the right article for that.  In this article, we will tell you some such tips by which you can easily hide your photos without downloading third party applications today.

 How to Hide Photos on Android Phone?

 If you want to know how to hide photos on Android phone?  For this follow the steps given below.  You can hide photos on your Android phone by following the steps given below.

 First of all, you have to open the Google Photos application on your phone.  Google Photos application is in almost every Android phone.  If you do not have the Google Photos application on your phone, you can download it from the Google Play Store.

 Google Photos is a very reliable and popular application.  This application is developed by Google so you can trust it.

 When you open your Google Photos application, you will be asked for your Gmail ID and Password.  You can login with the help of your Gmail ID and Password.

 After logging in, Google Photos application will open in front of you.  You will see all the photos present in your phone on the screen.  You select the photo from which you want to hide the photo.

 Select all the photos you want to hide.  Now you will see three dots on the right side.  You have to click on 3dot.

 Now a page will open in front of you.  In this page you will see many options.  On the screen, you will see an option named Move to Achieve.  You have to click on this option.

Application download કરવા માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો.

Download Calculator Photo Vault App 

 Now all your photos will be hidden from your phone.  All these photos have gone to the Achiever section of your Google Photos.  If you want to see these photos, then for this you have to turn on Google Photos and click on the Library option.  After that you will see the option named Achieve.  By clicking on this option you can access all your photos.


 Friends, in this way you can hide your photo on Google Photos by following the easy steps mentioned above.  This was a little information for you today.  Today in this article we told you how to hide photos on Android mobile?  I hope you liked this information.  If you like this information share it with your friends.  Many thanks for reading the article till the end.

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What is OkCredit Application and Khata Book Application?

 What is OkCredit Application and Khata Book Application?  Which application is better between OkCredit application and Khata Book application?  Today in this article we are going to give you information on a very interesting topic.  Today in this article we will tell you what is OkCredit application?!  And what is Khata Book Application?  Together we will also tell you which application is better between OkCredit application and Khata Book application?  If you want to know about OkCredit application and Khata Book application, if you want to know the difference between the two, read the complete article till the end.

 All of you must have seen the advertisement of OkCredit application and Khata Book application on the Internet and in the advertisement of YouTube videos.  Whenever someone first hears about OkCredit application or Khata Book application, many doubts come in his mind.  OkCredit application and Khata Book application both do the same thing, so people's doubts increase further.

 People do not understand what is OkCredit application and what is Khata Book application?  Why are these two applications used?  If you also have a lot of questions related to OkCredit application and Khata Book application in your mind, then now you do not have to worry.  Because you will get the answer of all your questions today in this article.

 A few years ago, when technology was not so much developed, people used to have a lot of problems in doing business.  In earlier times a lot of people used to borrow from us during the course of business.  We had to hire an accountant to maintain these borrowings and maintain our bookkeeping.  The main job of the accountant was to enter the example given in our business, to enter the amount of money that has come and to handle all the work related to the accounting.  In this way, we used to suffer a lot in doing our business by keeping an accountant.  The accountant had to pay a lot of salary.

 After that, gradually the technology developed.  Today many such applications have been discovered that store all your bookkeeping digitally.  Today there are many applications available on the Internet, using which you can save all the accounts related to your business in your phone.  Using these applications, you can keep a complete record of your business in your phone, to which person you have given how much money and from which person how much money you have to take.

 OkCredit and Khata Book applications are also similar applications that store your ledger accounts in digital form.  Today, out of all the bookkeeping applications available on the Internet, the most popular are OkCredit application and Khata Book application.  Whenever it comes to selecting one application between OkCredit application and Khata Book application, we get very confused.

 What is OkCredit Application?

 Before we tell you the difference between OkCredit application and Khata Book application.  You must know what is OkCredit Application?  If you do not know about the OkCredit application, for your information, let us tell you that the OkCredit application works to store digital bookkeeping.

 You can record all the information you lend to customers in your business or the amount of people you take in advance from within the OkCredit application.  Within the OkCredit application, you can enter the name of the customer and his mobile number.  After this, whenever that person pays you or you pay him, an alert message will reach that person immediately.

 OkCredit application is a completely free application.  To use the OkCredit application, you have to create an OkCredit account.  You can create this account with the help of your mobile number.

 What is Khata Book Application?

 So far we have told you what is OkCredit application?  Let us tell you what is Khata Book application?  For your information, let us tell you that the Khata Book application is also used to store a type of bookkeeping.  In this application also you can use all those features which you get inside OkCredit application.

 A good feature you get inside the Khata Book application is that once you have created your account inside the OkCredit application, then even if you lose your phone, you can recover all your account records.  You can check all your digital ledgers by logging in with your Gmail ID and password in someone else's phone.

 Which application is better between OkCredit application and Khata Book application?

 If you are also confused about OkCredit application and Khata Book application.  If you want to know which application is better between OkCredit application and Khata Book application?  So read the information given below carefully.

 Within OkCredit application you can store data record of one business of only one shop.  Whereas inside Khata Book application you can store records of many business.

 If you use Khata Book application, then you can make online payment to any of your customers by entering your bank details inside this application.  But if you use OkCredit application then you are not given the facility of online payment.

 If we talk about the application user, then you will be surprised to know.  So far 200000 people have downloaded the OkCredit application.  While Khata Book application is used by about 1000000 people.

 The security features of Khata Book application are slightly higher than that of OkCredit application.

Khata Book Application download કરવા માટે અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો.

 If you use Khata Book application and if your data gets deleted then you can recover your deleted data back.  But in OkCredit application you are not given any such facility.


 In this way, based on the information mentioned above, you can decide whether OkCredit application will be better for you or Khata Book application.  I hope you liked this information.  If you like this information share it with your friends.  Thank you very much for reading the article till the end.

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

व्हाट्सएप पर पर्सनल चैट को लॉक कैसे करें जानिए पूरे तरीका | Learn how to lock personal chats on WhatsApp

 How to lock personal chat on WhatsApp, know the whole way – Hello friends, I am Dheeraj Kumar, warmly welcome you again on this blogging website.  Friends, today we are going to talk about a new and interesting topic for you through this article.  Today we will know through this speculation that if you do personal chat on WhatsApp, then how to lock your personal chat.

 Nowadays everyone uses WhatsApp to chat messaging.  In such a situation, everyone also does secret or personal chat with their WhatsApp messenger.  In such a situation, every person is afraid of one thing that some person may not read his personal chat by deceit.  Today we have brought a solution to this problem for you.  Today we are going to tell you through this article how to lock your personal chat on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the most used messenger application not only in India but all over the world.  With the help of WhatsApp messenger, everyone keeps on chatting with their friends girlfriend boyfriend family.  Out of this, we also share most of the personal things.  And we don't want any other person to read our personal things.  And we also want that our personal contacts of WhatsApp should not be shared with anyone.  So you keep reading this article till the end.

Let us know through this article how to lock your personal chat on WhatsApp.

 how to lock whatsapp chat

 First of all you have to download whatsapp chat locker application from google play store in your smartphone.

 You download this application and install it on your smartphone.  And open it on your smartphone.

 Now this application will ask you to keep a secret password.  Now you have to enter your secret password and click on OK button.

 After this a second page will open in front of you.  On that page you will see a + sign.  on which you have to click.

 Now a new page will open in front of you again.  There you will see an option of Lock Whatsapp chat on which you have to click.

 After this you will get a message of password protection, on which you have to OK.  And after that you have to enable the option of Accessibility by going to the settings of your smartphone.

 Now you have to come back to your application.  After entering the application, you have to click on the + button.  Now you have to click on Lock Whatsapp chat again.  A security message will open in front of you on which you have to click on the OK button.  As soon as you click on the button, your WhatsApp chat will open directly.

 After this select the WhatsApp chat you want to lock.  You have to tap on that chat.  After this you will get the message of Conversation Lock.  Your chats are now locked.  No other person can open this chat except you.

 If you want to unlock that chat again, then for this you have to go to that application.  After entering the application, you will see the name of the chat you have locked.  You can click on that chat to unlock it again.

 Friends, you can lock your personal chat very easily in this way.


 Friends, through this article, we told you how to lock your personal chat on WhatsApp.  If you also want to lock your personal chat on WhatsApp, then you can very easily lock your personal chat by following the methods mentioned by us.

 Hope you guys liked this article very much.  If you want to read articles on such interesting topics for technology, then you must bookmark our blog website, thank you.

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Do you need money too? Here you will get loan up to Rs 10 lakh in minutes, know everything

 If you are in need of money then there is good news for you.

New Delhi.  If you are in dire need of money then you do not need to wander here and there.  Now you will easily get a loan of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 10 in a few minutes.  That too on easy monthly installments.  We are talking about - Ujjivan Small Finance Bank.  The bank has recently announced that it will provide personal loan up to ten lakh rupees to its customers in easy monthly installments within a few minutes.  Let's know in detail...

यहाँ से खरीद सकते है सेकंड हैंड Hero HF Deluxe सिर्फ 22 हजार रुपये में, जाने कैसे

यहाँ से खरीद सकते है सेकंड हैंड Hero HF Deluxe सिर्फ 22 हजार रुपये में, जाने कैसे:- हेल्लो दोस्तों आज हम बात करेगे Hero HF Deluxe बाइक के बारे में वैसे हम आपको बता दे की आज भी स्प्लेंडर और डीलक्स बाइक 15 साल पहले जैसी ही मिलेगी साथ ही डीलक्स बाइक हल्की होने के साथ ही माइलेज में भी सबसे आगे है हीरो एच डीलक्स की सर्विस अगर समय पर होती रहती है तो इसका कोई बाइक मुकाबला नहीं कर सकती है तो चलिए अब हम इसके बारे में विस्तार से समझते है

Hero HF Deluxe को कैसे ख़रीदे

  • इस बाइक को www.carandbike. com पर पोस्ट किया गया है
  • इसकी कीमत सिर्फ 22 हजार रुपये है
  • साथ ही हीरो की यह बाइक 2022 मॉडल है
  • यह बाइक अभी तक सिर्फ 6000 किमी तक ही चली है
  • यह सेल्फ स्टार्ट और ड्रम बैक के साथ एलॉय व्हील बाइक है
  • इस बाइक की लोकेशन दिल्ली की है
  • आप इस बाइक को इस वेबसाइट पर देख कर खरीद सकते है
Conclusion:- दोस्तों आज के इस आर्टिकल में हमने यहाँ से खरीद सकते है सेकंड हैंड Hero HF Deluxe सिर्फ 22 हजार रुपये में, जाने कैसे के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी दी है। इसलिए हम उम्मीद करते हैं, कि आपको आज का यह आर्टिकल आवश्यक पसंद आया होगा, और आज के इस आर्टिकल से आपको अवश्य कुछ मदद मिली होगी। इस आर्टिकल के बारे में आपकी कोई भी राय है, तो आप हमें नीचे कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं।

યુવાનોએ કરવા જેવું કામ ! આ છોકરો સેલ્ફી વેચીને બન્યો કરોડપતિ, મળ્યાં 7 કરોડ, જાણો આખો મામલો અહીંયા ક્લિક કરીને

 Know how to get this loan?

 The bank will enter into a strategic partnership with digital lender and fintech platform, LoanTap for this facility.  The move comes as part of the API (Application Programming Interface) banking initiative of Small Finance Bank of Ujjivan.  More than 150 APIs will be made available through this initiative, offering fast and secure tie-ups for digital lending, digital liabilities and fintech payment purposes.  The move also serves the twin objective of expanding the bank's financial services through LoanTap's platform to a wider range of customers.

તમામ ભાષામા વેદ અને શ્લોક વાંચવા અહિ કલીક કરો

Loan up to Rs 10 lakh

 Customers can easily get approval on credit within few minutes.  LoanTap has served around 32,000 customers through its platform till date.  Add to this the fact that Ujjivan Small Finance Bank offers personal loans ranging from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 10 lakh on LoanTap's platform with a maximum tenure of 48 months.

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Railway Recruitment 2022

 Know RRB Group D Recruitment Exam Date and New Updates of CBT Exam Here

 The admit card of the candidates will be issued 4 days before the exam. After the issuance of admit card, candidates will be able to download it by visiting the official website of the department.

Railway Recruitment 2022: રેલવેમાં 2422 જગ્યા માટે ભરતી, અહીંયાથી સીધા કરો અરજી

RRC CR Apprentice Recruitment 2022 : રેલવેમાં નોકરી (Railway Job) મેળવવાની મોટી તક સામે આવી છે. મધ્ય રેલવેમાં એપ્રેન્ટિસની જગ્યા માટે રેલવે ભરતી સેલ (Railway Recruitment Cell) દ્વારા બમ્પર વેકેન્સી બહાર પાડવામાં આવી છે.

Railway Recruitment : રેલવેમાં નોકરી (Railway Job) મેળવવાની મોટી તક સામે આવી છે. મધ્ય રેલવેમાં એપ્રેન્ટિસની જગ્યા માટે રેલવે ભરતી સેલ (Railway Recruitment Cell) દ્વારા બમ્પર વેકેન્સી બહાર પાડવામાં આવી છે. રેલવે રિક્રુટમેન્ટ સેલે (RRC) મધ્ય રેલવેમાં એપ્રેન્ટિસની જગ્યા પર ભરતી માટે લાયક ઉમેદવારો પાસેથી અરજીઓ આમંત્રિત કરી છે. આ ભરતી એપ્રેન્ટિસ એક્ટ 1961 હેઠળ કરવામાં આવી રહી છે. તમામ ઉમેદવારો જે આ ભરતી માટે અરજી કરવા માંગતા હોય તે વેબસાઇટ પર જઈને કરી શકે છે. આ ખાલી જગ્યા દ્વારા કુલ 2422 જગ્યાઓ પર ભરતી કરવામાં આવશે.

એપ્રેન્ટિસની પોસ્ટ પર બહાર પાડવામાં આવેલી આ ખાલી જગ્યા માટે અરજી કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે. આ જગ્યાઓ માટે ઓનલાઈન મોડમાં અરજીઓ મંગાવવામાં આવી રહી છે. આવી સ્થિતિમાં જે ઉમેદવારો ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવા માંગે છે, તેઓએ RRCની સત્તાવાર વેબસાઈટ પર ઉપલબ્ધ સૂચના જોઈ શકે છે.

અરજી કરવા માટેની છેલ્લી તારીખ 17 જાન્યુઆરી, 2022 છે. 16 તારીખ સુધીમાં ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરનારે બધી જ પ્રોસેસ પુરી કરી દેવી જરુરી છે. દેશમાં રેલ્વેમાં નોકરી કરનારા અને કરવા ઇચ્છતા લોકોની સંખ્યા વધુ છે.

આ જગ્યાઓ પર થશે ભરતી

મુંબઈ ક્લસ્ટરમાં પોસ્ટની સંખ્યા – 1659

ભુસાવલ ક્લસ્ટરમાં પોસ્ટની સંખ્યા – 418

પુણે ક્લસ્ટરમાં પોસ્ટની સંખ્યા – 152

નાગપુર ક્લસ્ટરમાં પોસ્ટની સંખ્યા – 114

સોલાપુર ક્લસ્ટરમાં પોસ્ટની સંખ્યા – 79

ઉમેદવારની જરૂરી લાયકાત

ઉમેદવારોએ NCVT અથવા SCVT દ્વારા જાહેર કરાયેલ સંબંધિત ટ્રેડમાં માન્યતા પ્રાપ્ત સંસ્થામાંથી અથવા બોર્ડમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા 50% ગુણ સાથે 10મું પાસ અને રાષ્ટ્રીય ટ્રેડ પ્રમાણપત્ર મેળવેલું હોવું જોઇએ.

પસંદગી પ્રક્રિયા અને ઉંમર

ઉમેદવારોની પસંદગી મેરિટના આધારે કરવામાં આવશે. આ ભરતી માટે અરજી કરનારા ઉમેદવારોની વય મર્યાદા 15 વર્ષથી વધુ અને 24 વર્ષથી ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ. અરજીની ફી રુ. 100 જમા કરાવવાની રહેશે. વધુ વિગતો માટે વેબસાઇટ પર માહિતી મેળવી શકો છો.

નોકરીની ટૂંકી વિગતો

શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાતNCVT અથવા SCVT દ્વારા જાહેર કરાયેલ સંબંધિત ટ્રેડમાં માન્યતા પ્રાપ્ત સંસ્થામાંથી અથવા બોર્ડમાંથી ઓછામાં ઓછા 50% ગુણ સાથે 10મું પાસ અને રાષ્ટ્રીય ટ્રેડ પ્રમાણપત્ર મેળવેલું હોવું જોઇએ.
પસંદગી પ્રક્રિયામેરિટના આધારે
અરજી કરવાની ફી100 રૂપિયા
અરજી કરવાની અંતિમ તારીખ16-2-2022
ભરતીની જાહેરાત જોવા માટેઅહીંયા ક્લિક કરો
ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરવા માટેઅહીંયા ક્લિક  કરો

New Delhi.  RRB Group D Exam Date: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the schedule of NTPC exam for the 7th stage on its official website on Thursday.  As per the schedule, RRB NTPC Phase 7 exams will be held on 23, 24, 26 and 31 July 2021.  In such a situation, a link to see the city and date of the examination of the candidates and download the free travel card for SC / ST candidates will be issued 10 days before the exam.

Whereas, the admit card of the candidates will be issued 4 days before the exam.  After the issuance of admit card, candidates will be able to download it by visiting the official website of the department.  The complete steps to download the admit card will be given on the official website.

 After the release of the date of RRB NTPC Phase-7 Phase Exam, it is believed that the exam date for recruitment to the posts of Group D will be released by the Railway Recruitment Board soon on the official website.  In such a situation, candidates are advised to keep checking the official website of the department from time to time.

 At the same time, if sources are to be believed, the written exam for recruitment to Group D posts can be conducted from August 25 to September 15 by the Recruitment Board.  However, the schedule for the exam has not been released yet.  But according to media reports, the schedule can be released by the last date of this month.

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If you also have any note with number 786 then you can earn 3 lakh rupees, know where to sell

 How to Earn Money: If you have any note like 10, 20, 50, 100 rupees and this special number has been given in it, then you can earn lakhs of rupees overnight sitting at home.

New Delhi.  If you have any note like 10, 20, 50, 100 rupees and this special number is given in it, then you can earn lakhs of rupees overnight sitting at home.  Let us tell you that many people are fond of collecting notes and they like to collect old notes.  But you will have no idea at all what will be the cost of these old notes.  You might be surprised to know this, but it is true that many websites spend thousands, lakhs of rupees to get these notes.

 Let's know what should be in the note

 You should have any note of Rs 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 2000 with number 786.  If such notes are found in your purse or piggy bank, then understand that you have won the lottery.  You can sell these notes on the eBay website.

will get 3 lakh rupees

 Let us tell you that the auction of rare notes is done in the e-bay website.  Any common man can participate in this.  If you have 786 digits recorded in a note, then you can bid for it.  You will easily get up to Rs 3 lakh.  Actually many people consider 786 as auspicious.  In such a situation, many people are ready to invest a long amount to get such notes.

 Know how to sell

 Step 1: First of all log on to

Step 2: Click on Registration on the homepage and register yourself as a seller.

 Step 3: Take a clear photo of your note and upload it on the platform.  eBay will show your ad to people who are using the platform to buy old notes and coins.  

Step 4: People interested to buy notes will contact you after seeing your ad.  You can approach them and sell the notes.

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