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Thursday, August 13, 2020

AMC's biggest decision to deal with the virus situation, this strict rule will apply to units with more than 30 employees

AMC's biggest decision to deal with the virus situation, this strict rule will apply to units with more than 30 employees

While the situation in the city is extremely worrying due to the deadly virus, the number of corona infections in Ahmedabad has reached close to 30,000, while the AMC has taken a big decision to combat the epidemic.  Offices, units, organizations with more than 30 employees will have to have a Covid Coordinator.

AMC made a big decision to fight the epidemic

 Some important decisions were taken at the meeting held at Sabarmati Riverfront House.  It has been decided to make it mandatory to have a co-ordinator in offices, units and organizations with more than 30 employees.  The office of the Coordinator will be responsible for complying with the guidelines of the Central and State Governments.

 All major city offices with more than 30 employees will have to appoint a co-ordinator who will have to report to the AMC's zone officer.  The coordinator will be responsible for following the guidelines of the Central and State Governments in the office while in an organization with less than 30 employees, the responsibility will be with the owner of the organization.

All large offices with more than 30 employees will have to appoint a co-ordinator.


 If an employee comes positive in the office, the details related to his 14 days contract tracing should be provided to the zonal office within 48 hours and all the steps taken to prevent the transition of corona to the office should be reported to the zonal office within 15 days.

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